Company law and novel beings
17th January 2018, Grey’s Inn, London.
Convenors: Dr Sarah Morley, Dr David Lawrence
In the first Novel Beings project event, Dr Morley and Dr Lawrence introduced stakeholders and the advisory board to the project.
Attendees were invited to consider various questions, including:
Can, or should, company law be the primary means of regulating novel beings, and by extension their potential, wide-ranging societal impacts?
How do we understand consciousness? When might a ‘novel being’ warrant this description?
How do we define personhood? Corporate personhood, philosophical personhood, electronic personhood?
11:00-12:00 Introduction and project overview: Dr Sarah Morley, Dr David Lawrence
12:00-14:00 Discussion: Current Regulatory Proposals; Role of Companies and Company Law in Development of Novel Beings
14:00-16:00 Discussion: Other Potential Regulatory Approaches; Legal Definitions for Consciousness and Personhood
To connect with Novel Beings network members or view up-to-date biographies, please visit our Network page.

Dr David Lawrence

Dr Sarah Morley
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