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Dr David Lawrence
Assistant Professor in Biolaw, Durham University
Interests: Bioethics, Neuroethics, Human Enhancement, Emerging Biotechnologies, Moral Status, Novel Beings
Dr Sarah Morley
Lecturer in Law, Newcastle University
Interests: Company and Corporate Law, Emerging Technology, Novel Beings
Natalie Partridge
PhD Researcher in Sociology, Newcastle University
Interests: Food Policy, Governance of Emerging Technologies
Dr Daniel Tigard
Assistant Professor of Philosophy, University of San Diego
Interests: Bioethics, Ethical Theory, Moral Agency and Responsibility
Professor Alan Dignam
Queen’s Counsel (Hon) and Professor of Corporate Law, Queen Mary University of London
Interests: Corporate and Company Law, Corporate Governance, the application of Constitutional Rights/Human Rights to corporations and the impact of Artificial Intelligence on Corporations.
Professor Aisling McMahon
Professor of Law, Maynooth University
Interests: Health and Intellectual Property Law, Regulation of Emerging Health-technologies and Biotechnologies
Mr Chris Riley
Associate Professor (Reader) in Law, Durham University
Interests: Theories of Company Law, Directors’ Duties, Corporate Governance
Professor John Harris
Professor Emeritus in Bioethics, University of Manchester; Honorary Professor in Medical Law and Ethics, Kings College London
Interests: Ethics, Practical Ethics, Medical Law, Bioethics
Professor Colin Gavaghan
Chair in Law & Emerging Technologies, University of Otago; Director of the New Zealand Law Foundation Centre for Law and Policy in Emerging Technologies
Interests: Technology and Regulation
Professor Muireann Quigley
Professor of Law, Medicine, and Technology, University of Birmingham
Interests: Medicine, Ethics, Technology, Law
Dr Joseph TF Roberts
Research Fellow in Law and Philosophy, University of Birmingham
Interests: Bioethics, Political Philosophy
Dr Mike King
Senior Lecturer, University of Otago
Interests: Animal ethics, animal use in research ethics and policy, ethics of biosciences
Dr Alex McKeown
Research Fellow with the Neuroscience, University of Oxford
Interests: Neuroethics, Neurotechnology, Neuroscience, Ethics in Psychiatry and Mental Health, Philosophy of Mind
Dr Joshua Jowitt
Lecturer in Law, Newcastle University
Interests: Legal Theory, Novel Beings, Rights for Non-human Beings
Dr Ilke Turkmendag
Senior Lecturer in Law, Innovation and Society, Newcastle University
Professor Deirdre Ahern
Professor in Law, Trinity College Dublin
Interests: Comparative Corporate Law, Corporate Governance, FinTech, Artificial Intelligence
Professor Daniel Attenborough
Professor of Corporate Law, Durham University
Interests: Comparative UK and US Corporate Law, Corporate Governance Theory, Directors’ Duties, Shareholder Rights
Dr Isra Black
Lecturer in Law, University College London
Interests: Health Law, Normative Jurisprudence, Normative and Applied Ethics
Dr Garðar Árnason
Philosopher, University of Tübingen
Interests: Ethics, Moral Status, Medical Ethics, Neuroscience
Dr Rune Nyrup
Research Associate, Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence (CFI)
Interests: Ethics and Epistemology of Science, Medicine and Technology
Professor Hank Greely
Professor of Law, Stanford University
Interests: Too varied to summarize but for present purposes, 'odd" forms of life or "quasi-life", what we should do about them, and how we should think about them.
Dr Richard Gibson
Visiting Scholar, University of Texas Medical Branch
Interests: Bioethics, Human Enhancement, Socially Disruptive Technologies, Moral Status, Ethical Theory
Dr Sabrina Gilani
Lecturer, University of Sussex
Interests: Posthumanism, New Materialism, Agential Realism
Lara Wiese
Research Assistant and Doctoral Student, Institute of Social Law and Health Law (ISGR), Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany
legal evaluation of new technologies and possibilities in (bio)medical research as well as in health care
Dr Ned Barker
Senior Research Fellow, University College London
Trained as a sociologist I explore the complex relationships between the body, technology, and society.
Professor Mathias Siems
Professor of Private Law and Market Regulation, European University Institute
Company Law and Corporate Governance, Empirical Legal Studies, Technology & AI
Professor Emma Cave
Professor of Law, Durham University
Health law, bioethics
Professor Arad Reisberg
Professor of Corporate Law & Finance, Brunel University London
AI, Corporate Law, corporate governance, corporate finance
Professor Blanaid Clarke
McCann Fitzgerald Chair in Corporate Law, Trinity College Dublin
Ethics (including Ethical AI), Corporate Governance (especially board composition and expertise), Accountability & AI, and Responsible Business
Dr Elliot Winter
Lecturer, Newcastle University
artificial intelligence, law of international armed conflict
Charles Paterson
PhD Researcher in Law, Middlesex University
Bioethics, Biolaw, Artificial Reproductive Rights, Human Enhancement
Professor Gerold Haouache
Professor of Public Law, Kehl University of Applied Sciences
Interests: Constitutional & Administrative Law, Corporate Law & Emerging Technologies
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