Conference, 25 October 2018, London
Slide Decks
Dr David Lawrence, Dr Sarah Morley
Legally Human?
Dr David Lawrence, Prof. Margaret Brazier
Biotechnology and Patents as Private Governance Tools
Prof. Aisling McMahon
Can We Trust Transnational Corporate Groups to Develop Novel Entities?
Mr Chris Riley, Dr Oludara Akanmidu
The Logical Necessity of Legal Personhood for Novel Beings
Dr Joshua Jowitt
Cognitive Enhancement of Non-human Primates and Moral Status
Prof. Gardar Arnason
Designing Novel Beings: A Neurologist's Perspective
Dr Ryan Darby MD
How Should We Treat Novel Sapient Beings?
Dr Alex McKeown
There is No Techno-Responsibility Gap
Dr Daniel Tigard
Machine Ethics and the Threat of Moral Atrophy
Dr Rune Nyrup
End of Existence Decision-making
Dr Isra Black
Novel Beings & Corporate Regulation: Space, Time and Ethics in a Neoliberal Frame
Mr Gary Wilson
Regulating the Corporation and Novel Beings
Dr Sarah Morley
What Are We Regulating When We Are Regulating AI?
Prof. TT Arvind
Should We Sue Our Robot Doctors?
Dr Sarah Chan
Tech, not Robot Overlords: Daleks, Dishwashers, Robot Rights and the Displaced Humans
Prof. Alan Dignam