Novel Beings:
Regulating Intelligence and New Forms of Life
Emerging biotechnologies and advances in computer science promise the arrival of novel beings possessed of some degree of moral status, even potentially sentient or sapient life. Such a development will constitute an epochal change, and perhaps threaten Homo sapiens’ status as the only being generally considered worthy of personhood and its contingent protections; as well as being the root of any number of social and legal issues. The law as it stands is not likely to be capable of managing or adapting to this challenge. This project aims to explore and address these issues with a diverse interdisciplinary mindset, drawing together experts from around the world.
RT @IlkeTurkmendag: Can we patent novel beings? @AislingMMcMahon Is it morally acceptable to be violent to our robots? @NCLLawSchool ev… https://t.co/ZIonmas2Rq
RT @AislingMMcMahon: Congrats again to @Biojammer & Dr Sarah Morley on @novel_beings collection- project raises fascinating questions o… https://t.co/amsAq0PfS4
RT @dwtigard: Congrats @novel_beings on today's book launch🥂 I wish I could have been there! To anyone keen on #biotech #biolaw… https://t.co/iPxzfykhQL
RT @ColinGavaghan: Good times with the @novel_beings folk. Huge congrats on the book launch, chuffed to have played a small part in it… https://t.co/2lJTE126I1
RT @ShaunPattinson: Excellent book launch: @Biojammer & Sarah Morley have put together a thriving network of theorists. https://t.co/uiBrghthrc
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Special Issue of Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics