Lawrence, David; Morley, Sarah
Regulating the Tyrell Corporation: the Emergence of Novel Beings. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics, Volume 30, Issue 3, July 2021.
Tigard, Daniel W.
Artificial Moral Responsibility: How We Can and Cannot Hold Machines Responsible. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics, Volume 30, Issue 3, July 2021.
Champagne, Marc
Commentary: The Mandatory Ontology of Robot Responsibility. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics, Volume 30, Issue 3, July 2021.
Tigard, Daniel W.
Response to Champagne: Artificial Agents in Natural Moral Communities: A Brief Clarification. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics, Volume 30, Issue 3, July 2021.
Shevlin, Henry
How Could We Know When A Robot Was A Moral Patient? Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics, Volume 30, Issue 3, July 2021.
Danaher, John
What Matters for Moral Status: Behavioral or Cognitive Equivalence? Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics, Volume 30, Issue 3, July 2021.
McKeown, Alex
What Do We Owe to Novel Synthetic Beings and How Can We Be Sure? Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics, Volume 30, Issue 3, July 2021.
Arnason, Gardar
The Moral Status of Cognitively Enhanced Monkeys and Other Novel Beings. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics, Volume 30, Issue 3, July 2021.
Jowitt, Joshua
The Desirability of Legal Rights for Novel Beings. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics, Volume 30, Issue 3, July 2021.
Mowbray, Miranda
Moral Status for Malware! The Difficulty of Defining Advanced Artificial Intelligence. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics, Volume 30, Issue 3, July 2021.
McMahon, Aisling
Patents and Control: Ethics and the Patentability of Novel Beings and Advanced Biotechnologies in Europe. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics, Volume 30, Issue 3, July 2021.
Black, Isra
Novel Beings and Assisted Nonexistence. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics, Volume 30, Issue 3, July 2021.
Morley, Sarah
Morally significant technology: A case against corporate self-regulation. Forthcoming.
Lawrence, David; Morley, Sarah
Regulating Intelligence: The Challenge Of Consciousness And Competence In New Forms Of Life. Forthcoming.
Lawrence, David
School’s Out?: The (Mis)Education of Novel Consciousness. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics. Forthcoming.
Lawrence, David; Harris, John
Monkeys and Moral Machines. In Clarke, S. ed. Rethinking Moral Status. Oxford University Press. Forthcoming.
Lawrence, David
Commentary: On Understanding Novel Minds. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics, Volume 28, Special Issue 4: Clinical Neuroethics, October 2019.
Lawrence, David
Advanced Bioscience and AI: Debugging the Future of Life. Emerging Topics in Life Sciences, Volume 3, Issue 6, November 2019.
Lawrence, David
Robotic Intelligence - Philosophical and Ethical Challenges. In Giordano, S. ed. Bridging the Gap between Science and Society, Manchester University Press, 2018.
Lawrence, David; Brazier, Margaret
Legally Human? ‘Novel Beings’ and English Law. Medical Law Review. Volume 26, Issue 2, Spring 2018.
Lawrence, David
Harris, John
Who Owns My Autonomous Vehicle? Ethics and Responsibility in Artificial and Human Intelligence. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics, Volume 27, Special Issue 4: Clinical Neuroethics, October 2018.
Lawrence, David
More Human Than Human. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics, Volume 26, Issue 3, July 2017.
Lawrence, David
The Edge of Human? The Problem with the Posthuman as the ‘Beyond’. Bioethics 2017, Volume 31, Issue 3.